Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8

Looks like it is time for new batteries... the flash seems to not be working properly tonight :) A little fuzzy but still cute I think :)


  1. such a cute dog. Since the weekend is here, you should try taking your next couple of shots close to a window, you'll get plenty of light (especially if you need batteries) Hope you are having fun!

  2. The pink background contrasts well with the dark puppy.

  3. Keep up the good work Alayna. This is a very cute photo. I like how you got her on something pink. :-)

  4. Awww, too cute on that fluffy background... Step back a bit so that the focus can work a bit better with more distance and also try using some natural light instead of flash. It's much prettier.

  5. I agree with Kimbomac. You are either a little too close for the focus or there isn't enough light and the shutter speed is too slow. Try one in a window or outside for better lighting.

  6. I think the pink really adds to this photo to create an atmosphere of softness and cuddliness.

  7. Very cute! Is he biting the blanky?
