Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan 1st


  1. A very sweet choice of subject but I think your flash has rather over-exposed the white parts of her. Maybe you should try shooting without flash next to a window, as you would get much nicer contours and shapes on your subject. A great start to your challenge though!

  2. Good to see you take the challenge as well. The black background makes the angel look like she is flying.

  3. I love all things with wings, so your choice of an angel is good for me!!!
    Try not to use your on camera flash, as it makes parts of the picture too bright. Outside or in a bright part of the house is fine. A good start, take lots of pics each day so you can choose one you love.

  4. Love the composition. You're off to a good start.

    If you absolutely have to use flash, try putting a tissue or piece of paper over the flash. It will spread the light a bit and make it a little less harsh.

  5. Good job Alayna. You keep following your mom around and soon you will be just as good as her. I love the purple in the bottom of the flower. Nice first shot, I hope you hang in there with us. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

  6. You've centred the angel well. And the black background is great. Well done.

  7. What a great idea to do this alongside ... so much fun and lots to learn. Lovely subject! :-)

  8. A soft glowing angel...she is lovely!

  9. As the others have said, your angel stands out well against the dark black background - you're learning how to isolate and emphasize your subject!

  10. She is very pretty and stands out well against the background so we can admire her.
